Dragon Ball Super : Grand Minister

鳥山明,とよたろう/集英社 ドラゴンボール超:17話より

※NOTE:This article includes spoilers.

This time, We would like to summarize the story “Grand Minister” drawn in the 17th episode of the manga Dragon Ball Super.


Encounter with Grand Minister

first encounter with Grand Minister was when Goku was summoned by Zeno.

A Grand Minister welcomes you when you visit Zeno’s Royal Palace.
This is his first appearance.

Grand Minister is

Goku, who met the Grand Minister for the first time, feels that he is “quite strong,” although he cannot read it.
When Whis heard this, he said, “As far as I know, the strongest in the world is the Grand Minister,” and we know that what Goku felt was correct.
Whis, who can’t win no matter how much Goku fights, seems to have a different strength because he says, “I’m hard to beat.”

However, like Whis, the Grand Minister is an angel, and it is said that “we angels are always neutral” and “never fight.”

鳥山明,とよたろう/集英社 ドラゴンボール超:18話より

What can he do?

The angel Grand Minister seems to have various powers.

Call between angels with an angel’s wand:
This seems to be usable by all angels, such as the Grand Minister, but it seems that angels can make calls and group calls using the angel’s wand.

Teleportation of people in the distance:
In the scene that can be said to be the starting point of the space survival edition, 12 space gods and guide angels can be teleported from each space to the royal palace of all kings, or 12 space warriors in the world of nothingness that will be the battle venue for space survival. They are teleporting them all at once.

Creating / Recreating Space:
In order for Zeno to see the fun of the 12 space-opposed fighting tournament, he will instantly turn the royal palace into a battle stage.
He also builds a battlefield for space survival.
It seems that the angels also have this power, and Whis often has a description of fixing the palace of Beerus.

鳥山明,とよたろう/集英社 ドラゴンボール超:28話より 12宇宙の神とガイド天使を全王様の王宮へ呼び寄せた場面

How strong is the Grand Minister?

As already mentioned, Whis says, “The strongest person in the world is the Grand Minister.”
Although there is no description of the first scene yet, it is an endlessly strong existence because the two destructive gods are stopping the attack with one finger while the destructive gods are fighting each other in the space survival tour. You can see that.

鳥山明,とよたろう/集英社 ドラゴンボール超:29話より