01. work plan

This section describes the 3GPP Work Plan.

The Work Plan shows what kind of items will be standardized in the future and what kind of schedule the items will be standardized.

The 3GPP Work Plan is stored below.


Since there is Excel or a compressed file above, when you open it, the following contents are described.

Here’s an overview of each column.

  1. Name
    • Contains an overview of the Work Item. It contains some information that gives you some idea of what to decide.
  2. Acronym
    • The Work Item name is listed. Each Work Item is represented by an acronym, such as the Acronis column.
  3. Release
    • Indicates the Release Version of the 3GPP standard. It describes which release to standardize the corresponding Work Item.
  4. Resource_Names
    • Describes where the Working group manually discusses the target Work Item. The description uses the abbreviation of Working Group, “Cx” stands for “CT #x”, “Sx” stands for “SA #x”, and “Rx” stands for “RAN #x”.
  5. Start_Date
    • Describe when to start the discussion about the target Work Item.
  6. Finish_Date
    • Describe when the discussion will be completed and standardized for the target Work Item.
  7. Percent_Complete
    • Represents the progress rate of the discussion of the target Work Item.
  8. Hyperlink
    • A link to the target Work Item document is set. Even if the link is broken, the target document name is listed, so you can search by document name.
  9. Status_Report
    • The standard development status report document name is listed for each Work Item. As explained in the process of specifications, it seems that documents may or may not be created for each Technical specification Group.

Next, Will describe about Work Item.