How to find 3GPP standards

Here, we will explain how to find the 3GPP standard. We think the easiest way to find it is to follow the 3GPP Specification Numbering. If you go to the 3GPP Specification Numbering site, you will see the screen above. Green frame part:It is a column where the standard number corresponding to the standard … Read more

tdoc directory constitution

This section describes the directory structure of the 3GPP FTP server that stores the unstandardized tdoc. Below is a link to the 3GPP FTP server. A directory is created for each Technical specification group in tdoc, and the red frame in the image below corresponds to it. Once you enter the directory of the … Read more

02. work item

This section describes Work Items. The contents of 3GPP Work Items are described in various ways, but you can see the background of the target Work Items and the outline of the standardization function mainly by referring to the following. Section 3 Justification Here you will find the background in which the target Work Item … Read more

01. work plan

This section describes the 3GPP Work Plan. The Work Plan shows what kind of items will be standardized in the future and what kind of schedule the items will be standardized. The 3GPP Work Plan is stored below. Since there is Excel or a compressed file above, when you open it, the following contents … Read more

process of specifications

Here, we will explain the general flow of 3GPP standard development. Work plan A plan for what kind of item (Work Item) will be standardized in what kind of schedule in the future. See work plan for details. Work Item For the item decided in the Work Plan, show the background that this item was … Read more

Structure Of specification

This section describes the standardized organizational structure of 3GPP. From 3gpp specifications groups The working group that formulates standards is roughly divided into the following three. RAN (Radio access network) SA (Service & Systems Aspects) CT (Core Network & Terminats) The following is a rough representation of what part of the LTE Architecture each group is responsible for. … Read more

2021 Spring MNO / MVNO Cheap Plan Comparison in Japan

Update:[24/2/2021]Updated the new plan of IIJmio. We have summarized the new cheap plans from each MNO / MVNO starting around the spring of 2021 of japan. The comparison targets are major MNOs / MVNOs, with capacities of 20GB (or more) and 3GB. Data capacity: 20GB plan comparison First, see below for the comparison results at … Read more